Mpression新闻 // 奥德赛MAX10 Eval Kit即将结束生命 // < span class = "字段字段——name-title字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden”>《奥德赛》MAX10 Eval工具包会结束生命的跨度< / > < div class =”字段字段——name-field-logo字段——type-entity-reference场label-hidden同一field-item”> < div约= " // " id =“taxonomy-term-47”类= "分类法词汇>Macnica
Motoki. txt "长岛 Sat, 10/12/2019 - 04:44

Macnica today announced, after 5 years since the release, Macnica's Mpression Odyssey MAX10 Eval Kit is going to the end of life with the last time buy on November 30, 2019. The Odyssey apps will stop its service on March 31, 2020 and the server will be shut down.

At that time even previously installed phone applications will stop functioning with Odyssey. If you have a concern with this, please contact us at

NOTE: You can continue to use your Odyssey baseboard as an Intel MAX 10 development kit when powered on a breadboard. You will need a USB Blaster for programming, the schematics, and items listed in the “Tips and Tricks” section near the end of the Odyssey User Guide.

星期五,2019年10月11日19:44:36 +0000 题材的。长岛 182年//
Macnica准备演示“EasyMVC”与CoaXPress 2.0和10GigE Vision接口 // MacNICA准备使用同轴标记2.0和10Gige Vision接口

macnica nakamura-h thu,01 /17/2019 - 16:11

2019年1月17日星期四07:11:24 +0000 nakamura-h 176年//
Macnica宣布推出“EasyMVC”,机器视觉摄像机开发工具包 // Macnica宣布推出“EasyMVC”,机器视觉摄像机开发工具包//“身份证=“taxonomy-term-47”class=“taxonomy-term词汇表徽标”>



日本横滨(2018年11月1日)–Macnica,Inc.(总部:日本横滨小冈区1-6-3 Shin YOKOHAMA,总裁:中岛清)今天宣布推出最初开发的“EasyMVC”,---一个机器视觉摄像机开发工具包,使用户不仅可以快速评估和开发最先进的CMOS图像传感器,还可以快速评估和开发最先进的视觉接口——机器视觉摄像机的输出接口。


Macnica为Intel®FPGA提供各种IP核,例如与索尼半导体解决方案公司(Sony Semiconductor Solutions Corporation)联合开发的“SLVS-EC”,全球首创“GigE Vision®”、“USB3 Vision®”和“CoaXPress®1.1.1”是构建机器视觉摄像头所需的全部功能。

用户s 可以使用EasyMVC轻松地开始评估这些IP核。




  • 传感器板:索尼IMX420彩色或单色安装。
    • 计划添加其他传感器板。
    • FPGA板:英特尔Cyclone®10 GX安装。
      • 视觉接口板:USB3 Vision®+HDMI®2.0或CoaXPress®1.1.1
      • 计划添加其他板基于新的接口标准。




  • 星期二,2018年12月25日07:54:19 +0000 nakamura-h 174年//
    Macnica将推出使用物联网传感设备的“Mpression预测性维护引入支持服务”乐动体育投注app下载 //乐动体育投注app下载support Macnica启动"Mpression预测维护引入支持服务" using IoT sensing devices <乐动体育投注app下载div class="field field——name-field-logo field——type-entity-reference field——label-hidden field-value field-item约= " // " id =“taxonomy-term-47”class =“分类法词汇vocabulary-logos”> < h2 > < a href = " // " > < div class =”字段字段——name-name字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden同一field-item”> Macnica < / div > < / > < / h2 > < div class = "内容" > < div class = "字段field——name-field-logo字段——type-image字段——label-hidden field-value field-item"> jami Thu,11/17/2016 - 17:46

    支持研发传感器,生产乐动体育投注app下载产品,介绍维护系统。日本横滨(2016年11月17日)-全球领先的半导体和网络产品技术分销商Macnica, Inc.今天宣布使用物联网传感设备作为Mpression物联网解决方案的Mpression预测性维护引入支持服务。乐动体育投注app下载麦尼卡完全支持以下菜单。乐动体育投注app下载

    • 咨询物联网设备安装位置和无线电通信规范
    • 支持客户现场测试和数据分析
    • 开发和制造传感设备并引入预言性维护

    2016年11月17日星期四08:46:24 +0000 杰米 在// 50
    Macnica将推出“物联网mesh网络入门套件” // < span class = "字段字段——name-title字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden”> Macnica推出“物联网的网状网络starter kit”< / span > < div class =”字段字段——name-field-logo字段——type-entity-reference场label-hidden同一field-item”> < div约= " // " id =“taxonomy-term-47”类= "分类法词汇>Macnica
    jami Wed,09/07/2016 - 17:44

    全球领先的半导体和网络产品技术分销商,今天宣布其IoT网状网络入门套件可用。该工具包通过Macnica的子公司Altima公司出售。< / p > < h3 >物联网网starter kit内容< / h3 > < ul > <李> EH-Terminal-B x 5 sys /基本单位1 sys -室内应用无线传感器装置-李< / > < >李数据记录器——Windows应用日志采集李< / > < >李开始使用“Splunk”——包括指令数据vidualization机数据平台李< / > < >李发射日期:9月7日,2016

    这些设备将通过无线网络与每个设备进行通信。 Therefore, new business models that the storaged data from IoT sensor devices will be analyzed and creates new values are expected.

    Macnca is now prpvide "Mpression IoT solution" to solve IoT issues. Mpression IoT solution includes IoT PoC (Integrate Device, Gateway and Cloud platform)and each devices.

    Promoting Mpression IoT solution activity, Macnica figure that IoT starters expects to build highly-trusted and robust mesh network in the field. IoT mesh network starter kit is right device to solve the issue.

    For mesh network device, Dust Networks of Linear Technologies is implemented.

    星期三,2016年9月7日08:44:46 +0000 杰米 在// 49
    Macnica将在2016东京创客节上宣布参展作品 // < span class = "字段字段——name-title字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden”> Macnica宣布东京创造者大会展出2016 < / span > < div class =”字段字段——name-field-logo字段——type-entity-reference场label-hidden同一field-item”> < div约= " // " id =“taxonomy-term-47”类= "分类法词汇vocabulary-logos " > < h2 > < a href = " // " > < div class =”字段字段——name-name字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden同一field-item”> Macnica < / div > < / > < / h2 > < div class = "内容" > < div class =”字段字段——name-field-logo字段——型成像领域label-hidden同一field-item”> jami Wed,
    星期三,2016年8月3日08:42:57 +0000 杰米 在// 48
    Macnica将与IDC Frontier公司合作推出物联网启动套件,作为“创客印象”。 // Macnica将与IDC Frontier Inc.合作推出IoT starter kit作为"Mpression for MAKERS约= " // " id =“taxonomy-term-47”class =“分类法词汇vocabulary-logos”> < h2 > < a href = " // " > < div class =”字段字段——name-name字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden同一field-item”> Macnica < / div > < / > < / h2 > < div class = "内容" > < div class = "字段field——name-field-logo字段——type-image字段——label-hidden field-value field-item"> jami Tue,

    今天宣布,与IDC Frontier Inc.合作,向日本客户推出myThings starter kit konashi Edition,作为面向制造商的一款印象工具。该套件包含由Macnica公司开发的物联网传感器屏蔽“Uzuki”、蓝牙®智能模块“Koshian”和由Yukai Engineering公司开发的用于iOS设备的物理计算套件“konashi”。Macnica销售myThings入门套件konashi Edition通过Macnica在线商店。< / p > < / div > Tue, 12 july 2016 08:42:02 +0000 杰米 在// 47 Macnica将在日本IT周上展示其安全物联网概念验证 // < span class = "字段字段——name-title字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden”> Macnica展览其安全物联网的概念在日本,这周提出安全物联网传感器设备云网络< / span > < div class =”字段字段——name-field-logo字段——type-entity-reference场label-hidden同一field-item”> < div约= " // " id =“taxonomy-term-47”class =“分类法词汇vocabulary-logos”> < h2 > < a href = " // " > < div class =”字段字段——name-name字段字符串类型字段——label-hidden同一field-item”> Macnica < / div > < / > < / h2 > < div class = "内容" > < div class = "字段field——name-field-logo字段——type-image字段——label-hidden field-value field-item">

    jami Mon,05/09/2016 - 17:40
    jami Tue,02/16/2016 - 17:39

    今天宣布向日本客户提供Mpression OpenCL Lab。

    Mpression OpenCL Lab是一个安全的环境,用户可以通过远程登录到服务器,安装Altera高端fpga硬件和必要的开发软件,开始开发基于OpenCL的加速项目。这使得用户能够立即评估OpenCL开发流程,而不需要任何前期投资,也不需要与准备环境相关的时间成本,包括Altera OpenCL SDK和FPGA开发套件。

    目前,Mpression OpenCL Lab仅面向日本客户,因为服务和程序正在进行全面评估。评估期结束后,Mpression OpenCL实验室将向所有感兴趣的用户开放服务。


    Rising expectations for OpenCL on FPGAs as a CPU accelerator technology

    As the amount of data from smart phones and IoT devices explode, ever increasing load and power consumption have become a major issue in data centers. As one of the solutions for these issues, focus is falling on FPGAs as a key device for offloading the increasing burden on CPUs. The processing of large amounts of data can be streamlined by reconfiguring the FPGA hardware on the fly, targeting it for specific processing needs. By offloading processing transactions from CPU to FPGA, data center operators can decrease total cost of ownership through power savings, increasing processing performance per node, and by reducing additional server installation space. Additionally, use of OpenCL provides a means for software engineers to develop with FPGAs, enabling them to develop accelerator functions, which in turn significantly lowers the hurdles for securing development resources and expedites the process of development.

    Application fields

    • Deep learning
    • High performance computing
    • Image processing applications (automotive, medical equipment, MFP, etc.)

    Mpression OpenCL Lab server specifications and installed software

    CPU: Intel Core i7-6700 processor (4 cores, 3.4GHz)
    Memory: DDR4, 2133MHz 64GB
    OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
    Software: Quartus® Prime Standard edition v15.1.2
    Altera SDK for OpenCL v15.1.2
    FPGA board: BittWare Stratix V FPGA board
    (Support for Arria® 10 FPGA in plan)
    Security: SSL-VPN


    Tue, 16 Feb 2016 08:39:16 +0000 杰米 45在//
    Macnica发布基于Altera Cyclone V ST SoC的Mpression Sodia板 Macnica基于Altera Cyclone V ST SoC发布压缩Sodia板//“id=“taxonomy-term-47”class=“分类术语词汇表徽标”>